Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quickly, quickly

So as the title suggests, this is going to be a quick post as I have a little under 15 minutes to brush my teeth, get my stuff together and walk down to work.

So I got on campus. It's good to have somewhere to live but I'm not so happy about the arragements. And the fact that I'm not considered independant for another 3 months, despite earning over $25,000 in the required period. Centrelink do not make it easy. So, I need to work out a payment plan with my college as I'll be getting about $60 a week/fortnight as a depedendant. Considering my rent is $350, they needent bother, it hardly makes a dent. So, woeful money issues are weighing my 2 day countown till I move to Sydney.

Em moves tomorrow. Not to sure what craziness the weekend holds, with us all finally being down, but we'll see.

Ok, so I really am late now so that's all.