Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thanks Kevin.

So, I'm sitting at my computer, with my vodka and orange juice and days worth of shopping bags, proudly surrounding me. No thanks to Kevin Rudd. As from today, electronically the stimulus packages (in my case $950) were beginning to filter into people's accounts, in the hope of "boosting the economy" - financial crisis and all. I'm happy to say I've done some of my part for the economy, having had a very nice afternoon out spending my (yet to be received) bonus.

I'm also rather chuffed as it's the first time in ages that I haven't felt guilty after a shopping spree. Maybe it's because I think I'm spending someone elses money. I guess in a way I am. Money I'd not otherwise have and what not.

Downside? I still haven't completed my assessment that was due yesterday (I've already said bye bye to 2 marks). I have a 500 word paper for Athropology&Sociology due Thursday, as well as a 1000 word close reading assessment for English on, my favourite, poetry. Fantastic .
Maybe I'll work better after having had a few drinks. At the moment I couldn't bear to start opening books and writing. Can you ever be in the right mood to do something you don't want to do? I guess not.

I also figure I better catch up on my 4 weeks worth of blogging for Media. I swear univerisity hasn't really taken off the way I thought it would. I am so far behind. I've missed the greater majority of my lectures and tutorials due to being sick, and do not have enough hours in the day let alone the week to catch up let alone continue trying to keep up.

Fighting a loosing battle. I'm sure that's the expression.