Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Streetlights, glowing..

SO officially off campus as on Sunday, and all my stuff's at the new place - so all thats left to do is furnish. Heading into town with Liss tomorrow to have a look around, need a new bed. And looking for some cool bits and pieces to throw around here and there.
Oh, check out THIS site, really cool. I want one. Or two.

So, that's really all thats occupying me at the moment. The start of everything, about to start. I'm on holidays for 3 weeks. Bonnie won tickets to see Dr. Phil at Acer Arena which is ridiculus. So I'm accompanying her. I've never really watched the show so, should be interesting.

I've been utterly disturbingly addicted to Grey's Anatomy lately, just finishing Season 5.
God that show is depressing, I woke up looking like someone had punched me in the face, my eyes were so puffy. From crying, I mean.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Fear is falling away

So, as an other week closes, so too, does a chapter come to an end.
Well, almost.

I've finalised moving off campus, finalised my new living arrangements, but am yet to finalise my plans for next semester, or rather, my eligability to continue studying next semester.
I won't lie, I'm a little scared. I don't know why, I just don't really want to explain myself or my behaviour the past couple of months to justify why I'm looking for consideration - or trying to get out of summer school. Meh, a few extra months of school, somehow I don't think it will kill me.

So I've been having the weirdest most vivid dreams lately, really spastic and scary lol I'm not going to go into them but I'm pretty sure this room is turning me loopy. Whoever said you can live out of one room is mental! I can't wait to finally have my own place, my own kitchen! A window with a view. Living space. Sigh.

All there is to do now is wait. Pack, and wait. And see what this change will bring for me. I'm ready.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

You and me in the photobooth.

I was thinking about my life, as somewhat like a photobooth. People come and go, some good memories are made, and are gone. Alot of the time, there isn't much evidence to show, unless someone leaves a film strip behind. As for the memories, times passes, things change, and what was once cherished is slowly replaced by new realities. I guess people get old, photos get older, and things can't stay picture perfect.

I'm back in Sydney, and eager to leave my shoebox. I'm relocating to Randwick in the next couple of weeks, and I'm sure there will be more to say in that time. I'm really excited to have my own place. No so excited to be moving into a cat's territory. I mean, my to-be flatmate has a cat. They scare me. Lol.

Anyway. Exam is on Tuesday, eek. Then I am done, half a year gone. A film strip left behind on the wall of my photobooth. I might just have to get rid of this one memory, looking for a clean slate and a fresh start. By the sea.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Is there anybody out there?

Today I was walking through the park alone, powering on, to walk to the other side of town. I was really deep in thought until I noticed birds chattering closeby. I looked up, slowed down, and realised how beautiful the park looked. In the transition of green fading and brown replacing, it was chilly, I could hear the fountain trickling, it smelt fresh and clean and I realised that if I hadn't stopped and taken notice, I'd have missed out.

That's how I feel about my life at the moment. I was wasting my time, not stopping to 'smell the roses' and I realised 3 months had gone by like the blink of an eye, and I'd wasted them. So I came back home, and now I'm stumped. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I didn't know what to do in the first place, and my lack of direction has caused me to fail my first semester of uni, amoung other things.

So, it's re-assessment time. Be nice if someone could just tell me what to do, or convincingly, that everything will be ok. Time will tell!