Thursday, August 6, 2009


So, I'm sitting in my room, listening to the wind howling outside, and feeling likes it's time to document my time in Sydney so far, which, has been really great.

Starting backwards, Last night me and Bon got on the goon, in preparation for... Dr Phil. Yes, we went and saw Dr Phil live, in the flesh, in all his yankee glory, and he was amazing.
I have never been one for talk shows. Since moving here I swear Dr Phil and Oprah have become staples. And we even bought t-shirts saying "Dr Phil". I really want to wear it to uni one day.

I've been seeing alot of this new guy lately, and he's sort of been a staple at my house, after numerous sleepovers, and I can't seem to form any emotional ties to him. He's fantastic. Really nice, funny, approachable, and chatty. I mean, what more could you ask for? And yet his fatal flaw, is that he is chatty. I feel everything is so one sided. Sure, I am getting to know him great because he never shuts up. And he is really intelligent and insightful and has something to say about everything, but I'm beginning to see what my housemate already has - that he's a little too full of himself. Because he isn't really giving me any chance to share myself, I can't make myself be more interested. When I'm out with his friends though, or I'm drinking away from home, its completely different. They are all so great, and you can just tell he fits in so well there. Maybe it's having him in my comfort zone, so quickly and so often, that's putting me off a bit. This always seems to happen to me, I know how to pick them, I just don't know where to go from here. Is it worth trying a little longer? I don't know. Something is just a little off, and I don't like that he assumes I'm "so into him" already. That just isn't how it is.

Anyway after that little rant. Had my xmas in july housewarming, which was great. Got trashed and ended up at sneakers, and then ended up coming very close to throwing up out the front of maccas. They don't open the toilets till 6am, how stupid is that.

Uni is going heaps better, everything has worked out, and I feel so much more positive about the direction in which I'm heading.

I'm loving Sydney, loving my new found independance having my own place, and loving the place itself. Life really, is not too shabby at all.

So, thats where I'm currently at. Me Bon Axel and Simon are going to some Drum & Bass thing tomorrow at Manning Bar, which should be intersting. Not my thing, in the slightest, but I'm open to something new.

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